Backer Bar Hours of Operations


The Backer Farm has been a pillar in our community for decades. Offering the ability to grab eggs, fresh bread, vegetables and treats from their shop. To even seasonal weekend activities to pumpkin picking. All our families enjoy these times, yet with the proposed Backer Brewery on Preserved Farmland we all begin to start to question.

  • Will families still be able to partake in these festivities when their is a brewery driving
    a majority of their financial income?

  • Will the crops for the beer jeopardize the farm’s outputs that we all enjoy?

  • Will there be patrons attending that aren’t family orientated solely there to just partake in drinking craft beer in a tasting room that holds 80 people?

Proposed Hours

Proposed Hours

While we can not answer these questions their plans do challenge the very fabric that makes Backer Farm a pillar in our community. The Backer Brewery is more a bar, with seating beyond a typical tasting room of less than 20 people. It includes 80 seats, tables, TVs and bar typically found in your favorite watering hole. When we combed the plans, the proposed hours of operations give us major reserve. A “brewery” that is open from Noon to 11PM, oh we mean a tasting room, oh wait we mean a bar.

Given we all enjoy and want to keep business going in Mendham, why is it that a preserved farmland wants to operate like a Bar and have outside funders contributing to this investment? To us, this is going to cause more problems than good and fundamentally uproot the family traditions we all grew to love at Backers.